Образование и карьера
P. Ilyichiov was born on August 16, 1986 in the city of Moscow. He graduated from Kutafin Moscow State Law University with highest distinction.
He began his professional career in 2005 at the Moscow Inter-Territorial Bar Association, where he worked first as an assistant and then as a lawyer intern. Since September 2011, he is an advocate at the Moscow Region Bar Chamber (registration number 50/6883 in the register of advocates of the Moscow Region). He is a member of the Qualification Commission of the Moscow Region Bar Chamber.
PhD of Law ( thesis on "Limitation of Action. Problems of Theory and Law Enforcement Practice" was defended at Kutafin Moscow State Law University under the supervision of Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Civil Law A. Maslyaev). He is an author of a number of scientific publications on pertinent issues of Russian law. He is also an author of the work program on arbitration of civil cases in the Russian Federation, developed for Kutafin Moscow State Law University. Area of expertise is arbitration.
From January 23, 2013 until July 04, 015, he was a professor in the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University. . At present, he is a professor in the Department of Civil and Administrative Legal Proceeding at Kutafin Moscow State Law University. .
Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Moscow Regional Branch of the Association of Lawyers of Russia.
From November 25, 2014 until October 30, 2017 he was a Chairman of the Arbitration Court at the Moscow Regional Branch of the Association of Lawyers of Russia.
Chairman of the Commission of the Russia's Association of Lawyers for Arbitration.
He has many awards, including F.N. Plevako Silver Medal; honorary diplomas of the Chairman of the Board of the Association of Lawyers of Russia; a grateful letter from the Governor of the Moscow Region; a grateful letter from the Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma, an honorary diploma from the President of the Russian Federal Bar Association, and other.