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Maria Agranovskaya

Начала пути развития GRAD было положено в 2006 году в форме адвокатского
образования, созданного в соответствии с Федеральным законом
"Об адвокатской деятельности и адвокатуре в Российской Федерации"

Maria Agranovskaya
Partner, Advocate

Образование и карьера

Attorney at Law with 20+ years of experience. Started working with cryptocurrency issues back in 2010.

MGIMO MID of Russia (International Law), studied in Germany and Holland.
8,5 years - running a multifamily office, worked on various cross-border transactions, investments, asset management, deal and corporate structuring in various jurisdictions, M&A, international taxation and other matters.

Areas: fintech, finance, telecom, banking, energy, pharmaceuticals, real estate and other sectors.

2007: setup of GRAD Attorney Bar (managing partner, 80+ Russian and foreign lawyers)

Substantially engaged in blockchain technology, ICO (TGE) related projects, trading and finance regulations, funds and financial activity.

Speaks English, German, French, Italian, Spanish.
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