GRAD Firm was founded in 2006 in the form of Attorneys Association. For the past years we have transformed into the Firm that unites the specialists in various areas of law and financial advisers. Our performance indicator is the statistics: more than 100 successful projects, more than 1000 disputes settled in our clients' favour.
To maintain high level of quality GRAD-team has elaborated the unique mechanism of service quality control and client-attorney relations. Our quality management system was certified in 2011 according to ISO 9001:2008. Subject to compliance with the Federal Law GRAD has insured the risk of professional liability in JSC «RSTK» Insurance Company to the sum of 100,000,000 rubles.
In 2013 we have separated the Audit Company GRAD to provide legal consulting on accounting and financial advisory services.
GRAD is aimed at productive cooperation both with Russian Federation regions and foreign countries.
Партнер, адвокат Палаты адвокатов г. Париж
Received a Master's degree in Private International Law and International Commercial Law at University of Sorbonne
Partner, advocate
Structuring international business (Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Mauritius and others jurisdictions)
Over 15000 court hearings held annually
100 million euros - the amount of insured liability
More than 700 companies annually become clients of GRAD Moscow Bar Association
International Certification
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