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Recognition and Participation

Recognition and Participation

GRAD Moscow Bar Association was established in 2006 as an association of lawyers, created in accordance with the Federal Law “On Advocacy and the Bar in the Russian Federation, named Moscow Bar Association GRAD


Recognition and Participation

In 2013, lawyers Sergey Rybakov and Alexander Orlov were included in the register of experts preparing legal opinions on appeals of entrepreneurs to the Russian President's Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights.

GRAD Moscow Bar Association is accredited as an independent expert entitled to conduct an expertise for corruption probability subject to Order No. 526-r of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. 

The Bar Association concluded an agreement with the Center of Public Procedures "Business Against Corruption" on legal assessment of raiding cases.

In 2015, GRAD Moscow Bar Association was awarded by the Russian President's Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights with the PRO BONO PUBLICO Expert Diploma for active work in the protection of entrepreneurs' rights. 

In 2013, lawyers Sergey Rybakov and Alexander Orlov were included in the register of experts preparing legal opinions on appeals of entrepreneurs to the Russian President's Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights. GRAD Moscow Bar Association is accredited as an independent expert entitled to conduct an expertise for corruption probability subject to Order No. 526-r of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The Bar Association concluded an agreement with the Center of Public Procedures "Business Against Corruption" on legal assessment of raiding cases. In 2015, GRAD Moscow Bar Association was awarded by the Russian President's Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights with the PRO BONO PUBLICO Expert Diploma for active work in the protection of entrepreneurs' rights. In 2016, Public Interests Law Institute (PILnet), an independent non-profit organization, included GRAD Moscow Bar Association in the list of companies providing legal assistance as part of the project Pro Bono Legal Assistance Coordination Center (Russian Pro Bono Clearinghouse).

In 2019, GRAD Moscow Bar Association has launched a Pro Bono project to create a series of short educational videos aimed at legal education of citizens with hearing impairments (deaf and hard-of-hearing). This project is carried out in collaboration with the All-Russian Society of Deaf People.


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